Our Services

All things podcasting for museums, history organizations, cultural nonprofits, and other mission-based initiatives. If you have a podcast-related need, we can help. We can also provide services for other creative audio projects, like out-of-the-box audio tours and audiobooks.


Full Production

Start to finish. We’ll work together to develop a concept, then we’ll take over to conduct interviews, script, edit, and produce your show. We can also work to commission new shows on your behalf and oversee indie podcaster collaborations.

Writing & Editing

You’ve done your interviews and collected your “tape.” Now what? We can jump in for any level of help with scripting and editing your audio into a professional sounding podcast.


Need advice? Want to improve or overhaul your existing podcast? Looking for guidance on how to get your amazing show into the right ear buds? We can help.

Teaching & Speaking

Whether you want one-on-one training for a staff member, a multi-day staff training workshop, or you want to put on a podcasting workshop for your visitors…if you want to learn it, we teach it. Hannah is also available for online and in-person speaking engagements.


Bespoke Production Packages

Brands and other networks often completely outsource their whole podcast to production companies, but museums and other cultural nonprofits have very different budgets, skills, and goals. We primarily use collaborative production models (vs. straightforward commissioning) with our clients to produce shows that advance their missions. Below are a few examples, but we always tailor our process to your unique needs and budget.

Most of our work is done by Executive Producer Hannah Hethmon (that’s me, why I am I writing in the third person?), but as needed for reasons of subject expertise, language requirements, location, or project size, we assemble a team of highly-qualified freelancers from our extensive GLAM and podcast production network.


Basic Sound Engineering, Editing, and Mixing

You’re recording your podcast in-house, you know how you want all the pieces to fit together, and all you need is for someone to take over the editing and turn your audio files into a finished episode. Editing is the most time-consuming part of podcasting. You do the fun part, and we’ll take over from there to realize your vision while you get on with all the other things you need to get done. This is the service we provide for the Archives of American Art’s ARTiculated.

Basic Plus

You have a vision for your show, but you need a bit of help executing it before we take over for editing. For A Dialogue with Masters for Serendipity, we advised on tech and how to conduct remote interviews, wrote intro/outro scripts, and edited the show.

Collaborative Production

We work together throughout the whole process to create a podcast that is an authentic and professional-quality program of your organization. For On the Record, the award-winning show we produce for The National Archives (UK), we worked hand-in-hand with staff from start to finish to record, write, edit, and produce this narrative podcast.

Start-to-Finish Production (with oversight)

With Preservation Profiles, the National Preservation Institute came to us with a desire to podcast. We helped refine a show concept and a plan for remote recording. They arranged the guests and host, we hosted and produced the interviews, wrote scripts, commissioned show cover art, set up the show on a hosting platform, published the episodes, and more. All they had to do was choose their guests, interview them (with our help), and promote the show to their audience.

Commission a Show

Perhaps you want someone to come in and create something out of/inspired by your collections, oral histories, etc. Give us the brief, and we can (with your oversight) either create it ourselves or commission another creator to work with us to fill the artistic brief. Our most recent work in this category was with the Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition Service’s Museum on Main Street to create Stories from Main Street.

As-Needed Oversight and Editing

Just what it sounds like. We can quote a package of support and/or editing at whatever level you need.