Your Museum Needs a Podcast

Your museum needs a podcast: A Step-By-step guide to podcasting on a budget for museums, history organizations, and cultural nonprofits

by Hannah Hethmon

Want to start a podcast for your organization, but unsure of where to begin? Looking for new ways to meaningfully engage your audience? Need to convince leadership that a podcast is the right move for your museum, history organization, library, religious institution, or cultural nonprofit? This practical and action-oriented beginner’s guide will show you how to create a great podcast on a budget, from choosing a topic to reaching the right audience. Each chapter is tailored to the needs of cultural nonprofits, giving you a detailed roadmap for producing a podcast that supports your institutional mission.

Available on as a paperback, e-book, and Audible audiobook (for non-Us, just search on

Positive reviews for Your Museum Needs a Podcast by Hannah Hethmon.

Webinars & Talks

Podcast Episodes

Hannah Hethmon – podcasting for connection at Smithsonian, Arts Marketing Association (Podcast)

Interview about museum podcasting, Digital Works Podcast (Podcast)

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